Embrace nature’s mat: Taking yoga outdoors 

Embrace nature’s mat: Taking yoga outdoors 

It’s no ground-breaking idea that taking time out of your day to focus on yourself and practise mindfulness is important, especially when balancing a 9-5 work life. The number of people doing Yoga has risen in the past few years, but now people are ditching the...
To bivvy or not to bivvy? That is the question

To bivvy or not to bivvy? That is the question

Ever fancied camping under the stars on a warm summer night but just didn’t know where to start? You just want to get out of the city and into the fresh country air without lugging around loads of equipment. Bivving might be for you, deriving from the French...
Bouldering in the moonlight. 

Bouldering in the moonlight. 

Find yourself daydreaming at your desk, wishing you were out of the city and on a slab of rock in the outdoors? The only problem is, when you finally finish work, make the long slog home, and although you’ve been dreaming of getting on the rock, you just don’t...