Over a year after she began her Vanlife conversion, Thea is finally living her dream of living out her van, surfing and working in a local café. But Vanlife isn’t all as it seems.
Thea Wright, a 20-year-old Marjon University student, has finished her second year of university and travelled to the coast of Cornwall to spend the summer in her converted van.
The iconic bright-blue van is called Nora, an ex-British gas vehicle which Thea converted herself and documented on TikTok. She is now “Living her Dream.”
She said: “It is just so peaceful and care-free, I got up yesterday and went for a swim.
“I am such a beach person, I was born to live by the sea.”

The Vanlife Lifestyle
As an avid surfer, staying in Cornwall for the summer has been a goal of Thea’s for years. As someone who previously got anxious in the business of city-life, the minimalistic beach lifestyle suits Thea.
“Nowadays my biggest worry is running out of fuel,” she explained.
“Nora passed her MOT yesterday and I was so happy, I think I scared them (mechanics) by saying: don’t you dare do anything to my home!”
Luckily, Thea got a job easily when looking for a campsite to stay at, during the summer. She gets free parking on site and works five days a week; with shifts varying from just one hour cleaning a day, to 12-hour shifts.
She explained: “I do get perks of free food sometimes at the bar.”
“I also feel safe there because the campsite is very respectful, everyone is always quiet by 10pm and the locals seem so lovely.”
Vanlife Struggles
Four weeks into her solo Vanlife initially started off simple, but there are other sides to Vanlife which surprised Thea.
“I might be silly but I do get pretty lonely, I love my small space but sometimes I want to speak to my friends,” she said.
With limited WIFI on the campsite, needing to charge her power bank at the café and poor signal. Often Thea can feel fairly cut-off from society when in the van.
“I watch the sunset alone a lot which is great, but sometimes it would be nice to have company.”
Thea also misses the home comforts of a bed and functioning shower.
Thea admitted: “The lifestyle does suit me but I do want to walk around and go to bed and wake up in a house at least once a week.”

TikTok has Helped with Vanlife
Luckily TikTok and Instagram has helped Thea with enjoying her Vanlife experience.
She said: “Initially it was different because people are more invested in the van build and finding content seemed hard.”
She often goes to the local café to edit videos on their WIFI.
Thea said: “I need to make more content, I wanna motivate others to do it!
“I do love filming because I feel like I am talking to someone when most of the time I am alone. It’s been nice.”