Single Hikers UK: The Facebook Group which allows people to heal while outdoors.

Single Hikers UK: The Facebook Group which allows people to heal while outdoors.

The online community UK Singles Hiking, helps people much more than just finding a new love.

Having gone through a long-term breakup at the start of the year, Suzi McNulty joined the Facebook group ‘Single Hikers UK’ which has 28,000 followers.

Being an avid hiker and having ticked off the feats of Kilimanjaro, Everest Base Camp, and the Yorkshire Three Peaks, she was fed up with solo hiking and wanted some company during her adventures.

Suzi, a special need’s education officer, said: “The first time I went I was so nervous because it was a weekend away, but I made such good friends and we are still all so close”.

Arranging her own Groups

Since then, she has arranged multiple of her own successful UK Singles group meet ups and weekend trips away.

With over 30 people from ages of early 30’s until late 50’s and the meet ups are getting more and more popular. However, often finding love isn’t what the hikes are centred around.

“Everyone does it for different reasons, I do it to be around people with common interests in hiking,” said Suzi.

“We all have different stories and it gives us a chance to talk about it.”

Suzi (centre) was really pleased with the turnout of the latest singles hiking meet up last Sunday.

Speaking to Nine to Alive, Suzi explained that most of the attendees are recent singles who may have gone through hard break ups. The three-hour long hikes give singles an opportunity to slow down and reflect on their life and heal from breakups.

Being former ‘contact the elderly worker’, Suzi decided to host the meet ups on Sundays – known as the loneliest day of the week.

She said: “People come because they are sick of dating apps and want to meet organically.

“The best thing to do is to get out there and mingle. Its all about pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.”

Suzi has hosted three successful meetups, with the latest being a hike on Sunday (19/05/24) at Bosley Cloud in South Manchester. Previously they have done a Peak District meet up and a Derbyshire hike as they continue to move around.

Suzi was messaged by a friend Kelly, who attended the hike. The text said: “Thanks for a lovely second day, for bringing so much happiness to my life with your events”.

The group always end their hikes with a “pint and banter” at the pub.

Praise from ‘UK Singles Hiking’

However, the Facebook has been testament for the success of the groups among the community.

Jason said: “Why did I miss this on the events page it looks amazing.”

Kirsty said:” Wish I could join but day after a wedding and I’m bridesmaid, will keep a look out for next time.”

Shaun commented: “Top day again Suzi McNulty thanks.”

The community are supportive of each other and travel from all over to join in the arrange meet ups. Last Sunday some travelled from Peterborough or Nottingham which was over a three-hour drive.

Suzi commented: “Its important for people in cities to get out and be at one with nature. It allows people to hear the organic sounds they don’t usually hear in the city.

“It helps you reflect and slow down.”

So, even if you’re not ready to find love, perhaps getting outdoors with others may help you move forward.

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