by Benedict Hobbs | May 19, 2024 | Cold Water 2, In the Water
Open Minds Active is making waves in the South West of the United Kingdom by improving mental health and wellbeing through cold-water swimming. This social impact organization, led by Maggy Blagrove, aims to widen access to this invigorating activity and create a...
by Huw Richards | May 19, 2024 | Cold Water Swimming, Water main
Meet the Sheffield Dippers, two men swapping Saturday morning hangovers for an ice-cold immersion in the Peak District to better men’s mental health. How it began… Tom Clancy and Josh were hiking in the peaks, attempting to clear their heads, bogged down...
by Benedict Hobbs | May 18, 2024 | Environmental 2
The Open Studio’s North Fife is a natural Scottish paradise where craftsman Rory McPhee hosts breathing workshops and allow attendees to connect with nature and improve their health. Having grown up in West London Rory McPhee, 67, owns a successful seaweed company but...
by Ellie Jones | May 16, 2024 | In the City
It’s no ground-breaking idea that taking time out of your day to focus on yourself and practise mindfulness is important, especially when balancing a 9-5 work life. The number of people doing Yoga has risen in the past few years, but now people are ditching the...
by Benedict Hobbs | Apr 29, 2024 | Cold Water 2, In the Water, Top Stories
Taking a dip in the cold waters of the UK has risen in popularity since the pandemic, but the majority of people taking the plunge are middle-aged women. We spoke to avid cold swimmer Ian Wood and popular British cold swimming influencer, Gilly McArthur and asked why...