Joe Walton is set to complete his first ever triathlon after six months of grueling training, having massively improved his mental and physical health in the mean time.
“I have noticed a massive improvement in my physical and mental health.” If you have ever wanted to run, swim, and cycle, your way out of your comfort zone. Find out from a debut triathlon competitor, what training is like and what to consider before signing up for a triathlon.
The Blenheim Palace Triathlon is a weekend event filled with experienced and beginner competitors all competing in variations of the three main disciplines. The three pillars of a triathlon are the run, swim, and cycle. There is a myriad of distances that people can compete in. The sprint, super sprint, sprint relay and weekend warrior.
On the first of June, Joe Walton will participate in his first sprint triathlon. I put some questions to him before his triathlon.

What has been your motivation behind taking part in the event?
Joe – “My main motivation for signing up for this triathlon was to do something that would get me out of my comfort zone and force me to get out of the house and do some physical activity. Especially in the months leading up to the race.”
What have you done in the build-up to prepare yourself for each activity?
Joe – “The things I have done in the lead up for this race was doing a lot of sessions that might transfer to the actual race. For example, I will sim and then jump straight on the bike and cycle. Or start with a cycle and then follow it up with a run straight after, as well as training each discipline individually.
“I have also taken up some open-water swimming lessons to get me more comfortable swimming in open water. This is because open-water swimming is a lot different to a pool. Having to deal with waves, wind, sunlight, not being able to see the bottom (which is the main way swimmers can swim in a straight line), having lots of people in close proximity, and not having a wall to push from every 25 to 50 metres.”

Is there a part you’re more confident in than others?
Joe – “The discipline that I am most nervous about is the swim. This is due to me not being as confident swimming long distances as opposed to running or cycling long distances. I am most confident in the cycle as it’s the only discipline that I don’t have to move or put minimal effort into and still cover distance.”
How long have you been training?
Joe – “I have been training for this triathlon from the moment I bought the tickets, which was about six months ago now.”
Are you nervous or excited?
Joe – “I am more nervous than excited because this is going to be my first triathlon, there are a lot of unknowns. I imagine if I were to do another one I would be a lot more relaxed and the excitement would outweigh the nerves.”
Is this something you plan on doing more of?
Joe – “If this goes well and I enjoy it I will definitely do it again. But if I don’t choose to do a race like this again, I will always train in all three of these disciplines. Because over these months of training, I have noticed a massive improvement in my physical and mental health and thoroughly enjoy training.”
Would you recommend training for a triathlon?
Joe – “I would recommend absolutely anyone to do it. I think if you’re scared about one discipline or all of them. With the right training and attitude, you can learn so much about yourself, build lots of confidence and meet new people. Just remember It’s not about the time it’s about having fun.”
Everyone is at a different level when it comes to running, swimming and cycling. But no matter where you are, it is the enjoyment you get from doing the training and the experiences you have that define your journey.
With Joe having shared his experience, hopefully, you are more equipped and aware before delving into the world of triathlons.