May is National Walking Month, a way to get more people outdoors and walking in nature. So we sat down with Sian Lewis, author of the award winning The Girl Outdoors Blog to ask her all about her favourite walks and how you can take on this Month’s Challenge and get walking too.
Q: Do you have any personal favourite walks that have taken your breath away?
A: Sian: “In the UK, we are very fortunate to have so many beautiful walks up and down the country. I’ve never seen a walk I don’t like but I do love going to the Scottish Highlands because it is so wild and incredibly beautiful and is amazing that we have that in the UK and you can get a train up there and be like, ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m still on this island.’ It’s just an astonishing part of the country.”
Sian lives near Bristol and frequents the southwest coast path which goes all through Somerset down to Cornwall.

“I love the fact you can dip in and out of that. I think that’s wonderful as well because it’s a bit more accessible. And you can just do a day chunk or you could walk the whole thing over a couple of months and the whole time it is hugging the coastline and it’s just absolutely stunning.”
Q: I live in a city, and I am gutted that when I leave the office I just don’t have enough time to get into the countryside. How can I keep walking in a city?
A: Sian: “I think actually we forget that walks in towns and cities can be good for us too. There’s a long history to discover. Following a canal or walking from pub to pub can be really fun. There’s ways you can make walks really interesting if you’re into history.
I used to work nine to five in an office, five days a week, lots of us do. And it is frustrating to think, oh, it’s a lovely day, I wish I could go out. I think just planning helps, not living for the weekend, but planning. So that you know that on the weekend, you can go off and do something exciting.
It doesn’t have to be big, it could be a half day, it could be an hour’s walk, but just knowing that you’re gonna get that outdoors fix. Now it’s summer, the evenings have actually quite a lot of light left. So even if you just walk to your local park and have a couple of hours in a big park, or you could fit in a swim, if you were in London, you can end up on Hampstead Heath after work for a quick dip. You know, there’s some really cool ways to get your fix.”
“Even if you’re doing an office job and you feel a bit stuck in the city. It’s just about planning ahead and making it happen. I’m just as bad but we all have a temptation to have a glass of wine and sit on the sofa and watch telly after a busy day at work. We’ve all done it, there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you do a bit of that, but also a bit of time outdoors, you will feel happier.”

Q: I’ve always wanted to go for a hike but I have zero clue where to start!?
A: Sian: “I think it can be a bit intimidating if you’ve never done much exercise or outdoorsy stuff before walking is actually ideal because once you own some hiking boots, it’s free, which is brilliant. You don’t have to buy lots of kit like you might have to if you were interested in another activity, anyone can go for a walk!”
“It’s great you can walk in a city, get a train out and go for a walk near your city. It’s a very accessible way to get into the outdoors that isn’t too challenging and that anyone can do and you can tailor a walk to suit your abilities. There are wheelchair walks out there. So there’s something for everyone. I think walking is the great gateway to more challenging adventures.”
Q: What’s one piece of gear I definitely need to get before going hiking a lot?
A: Sian: “I do think it’s worth spending money on some really good hiking boots, because they need to be waterproof and warm and comfy. And you can definitely just wear regular clothes for more casual walks. But good hiking boots are a really good idea. A good waterproof is always useful, because otherwise, you know, it rains a lot in the UK. So you’d be stuck indoors quite a lot.
As you progress, it’s a great idea to learn to map reading skills and gain confidence with that, because that will open up the world a little bit more. And you can go kind of off-piste much more if you know what you’re doing there. So I think owning a set of maps and knowing how to read them is a really great idea. But you don’t need lots of expensive kit at all. But some hiking boots and a waterproof will just mean that you’re comfortable and warm.”
So over the Bank Holiday weekend, plan a walk which is local to you and take on Sian’s tips and escape to the great outdoors.